Initial public offerings (IPOs)
In cooperation with its subsidiary and strategic partner Concorde MB Partners, Concorde performs public and private transactions on the capital market on behalf of its clients by targeting international and domestic institutional and private investors.
After the great privatization wave, the number of exchange transactions on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) declined. However, Concorde remained one of the most active operators on the market. Beyond the execution of many company acquisitions, Concorde took part as the leading organizer in two of the past years’ most successful mid-sized IPOs: the issue of the FHB Mortgage Bank, and the ANY State Printing Company.
Strategy to issue an IPO
Generally, an IPO and public offering of a company brings substantial changes to a company’s and to its owners lives; it therefore requires extensive preparations. The owners should be prepared for establishing a connection with stock market investors as co-owners through transparent management of the company and supplying the investors with information regularly. Furthermore, an attractive investment opportunity with an ”investment story” should be established for the transactions. If capital investment is involved, a detailed investment plan should be drawn up. The right transaction structure, the right timing and also the widest possible range of interested investors should be found in order to ensure the company’s optimal ownership structure and the best selling price.
To learn more, please visit the website.